AI Reinvention | Healthcare Edition

AI at the Heart of Care

Innovating for a Seamless Patient Experience

Get valuable insights and gain a competitive advantage with this new report!
Let’s face it: the traditional healthcare model often leaves patients feeling like just another number in a disconnected and impersonal system.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Discover the power of AI Reinvention in this report.

In this report, we will:

Discover what does an AI Reinvention in Healthcare consist of.

Explore use cases from well-known brands.

Provide actionable tips for transforming the patient experience through an AI-powered journey.

Explore expert insights on how to create digital frictionless experiences in healthcare.

Customers are 3.5 times more likely to advocate for companies that deliver high-value experiences.
According to Gartner, Drive Loyalty and Growth With an Effective, Sustainable CX Strategy

Globant experts share their thoughts on AI Reinvention in Healthcare.

Lucas Najún Dubos
Studio Partner at Globant Healthcare & Life Sciences Reinvention Studio

Healthcare is moving from proactive to predictive care, where technology is playing an increasingly leading role and becoming an essential part of care delivery models.

Belen Estevez
Global Healthcare & Life Sciences Business Hacking Manager

Patients are increasingly raising their expectations of healthcare systems, driven by personalized experiences in various parts of their lives, from personalized e-commerce recommendations to customized social media feeds. We refer to this growing trend as the "Amazonification of Healthcare."

Camila Murga
Health Informatics Specialist at Globant Healthcare & Life Sciences Studio

We are on the verge of an interoperability crossroads: the power of applications allows us to access health records almost anywhere and converge into a single platform, allowing us to get there – to interoperability, allowing patients, payers, and providers access to data to improve healthcare delivery, plus improve costs while maintaining margins.

Joaquín Labado
Studio Partner at Globant Healthcare & Life Sciences Reinvention Studio

In an era of patient empowerment, healthcare must match the personalization other industries offer. Proactive, data-driven care builds loyal relationships, improves health outcomes, and secures a competitive advantage for hospitals and payers.

Uncover the secrets

to a seamless patient experience by leveraging the power of AI tools

Globant Healthcare & Life Sciences Studio

We are Globant’s Healthcare & Life Sciences Studio; we reinvent the life sciences ecosystem through tangible, technologically-driven solutions.

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Learn more about how AI Reinvention is changing the Healthcare Industry — for the better.

AI Reinvention | Healthcare Edition

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