Bringing it to life: Examples of smart venues in action

Smart venues examples globant

To help bring the potential of smart venues to life, we’ve developed the following concepts together with various clients. They demonstrate how technology can create a fundamentally different experience with everything from parking your car, to getting assistance at a hospital.



Over fifty years ago, Bob Dylan wrote the lyrics to The Times are A Changin. Yet as we all know, the pace of change has perhaps never been as profound in our lifetimes as it has been over the past 18 months – transforming everything from how we work and play, to our very expectations of day-to-day activities.

To survive in this new world, brands are creating a new generation of memories – transforming with digital magic, how we experience everything from a visit to the doctor, to a trip to a theme park. Smoother, more sustainable, and much more enjoyable. That is the promise of blending the physical and the digital. This new world is coming, and it’s coming fast. Just as we can see a tsunami gradually gather pace before it quickly becomes unstoppable, so every organization needs to start preparing today to bring this potential to life.

There is so much more you can do with these insights!

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The team that brought these insights together

We’d like to thank the following Globers for sharing their insights and expertise.
Martin Nanni, Rebecca Reed, Juan Manuel Zarza, Charles Green, Danielle Mariani.
We’d also like to thank all the members of Globant’s Design Pod and website team who were integral members of creating this Sentinel Report.


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